TNFD releases proposed disclosure metrics for the forest sector

The Taskforce on 自然-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) 今天公布的 its latest recommendations, which include proposed disclosure metrics for the forest sector. Members of WBCSD’s 森林解决方案集团 (FSG) led the development of the TNFD forest sector metrics, 与TNFD工作队成员合作, 全球林冠, 并得到普华永道加拿大公司的技术支持.

发表: 2023年9月19日
类型: 新闻


TNFD aims to provide a framework for business action to manage nature-related 风险 and opportunities and support the shift in global financial flows towards nature positive outcomes. 推动采纳其建议, TNFD is supporting the development of additional guidance for different high priority categories of market participants. 拟议的森林部门披露指标, 今天公布的, form part of broader additional guidance for the forest products value chain to be released by TNFD in the coming months. The overall aim is to support forest companies in the implementation of the TNFD recommendations.

艾米丽·麦肯齐,TNFD技术总监,强调“The TNFD additional sector guidance and sector-specific metrics will play an important role in driving uptake of the TNFD recommendations in key sectors, by responding to the specificities of each sector and providing relatable examples of implementation.

The TNFD additional guidance and disclosure metrics form part of the implementation phase of WBCSD’s 森林部门自然积极路线图 with the overall aim to develop tools and guidance to support businesses in the forest sector in scaling up actions to halt and reverse nature loss, 为自然设定基于科学的目标和指标, 并使用可量化的指标披露进展.

Collaborative effort among peers and stakeholders in the sector

The proposed sector disclosure metrics are the result of an inclusive process that involved key stakeholders in the forest sector, 包括来自超过25家企业的代表, 行业标准, 认证系统, 以及非政府组织. The metrics are now available for consultation by a wider community of stakeholders.


The full TNFD draft additional guidance for the forest sector will be released in the coming months. It will feature detailed sector guidance on implementing the TNFD recommendations for the forest sector, including a narrative guide and examples on how to apply the TNFD LEAP (范围,定位,评估,评估和准备)方法.


TNFD provides a robust framework to catalyze actions to enhance biodiversity and water stewardship in situ, 并以结构化的方式报告这些努力. 为所有人定义了许多kpi, complemented with sector-specific and context-specific ones, supports tracking progress in complex issues such as nature conservation说:“ Denis Popov, Group Natural 资源 Manager at Mondi集团

The TNFD is a helpful framework for the forest sector to understand, 评估和沟通他们的影响, 依赖关系, 以及大自然的风险. This common framework will drive greater alignment throughout the supply chain and across sectors on  managing and disclosing nature-related impacts, 风险, 和行动说:“ Katie Cava​, Sustainability Program Manager​ at 惠好​

The TNFD’s risk assessment - LEAP approach - is very helpful because it is intuitive. 看起来很吓人, but it really comes down to this: w在这里 and how does your company interface with nature today, 以及随着时间的推移,它会如何演变?”说, 布兰登·刘易斯, 天伯伦正规博彩十大网站排名总监 & 农业,宏利投资管理

​“Companies that deal in forest products further downstream and aren’t directly making forest management decisions, face unique challenges when aiming to quantify their impacts on nature. It is key for companies to understand w在这里 their supply chain interfaces with nature and w在这里 impacts on nature apply to their business他说。 Emma Johnstone​, 自然的积极 Specialist at 德拉克斯集团​


FSG-TNFD working group members: BTG Pactual Timberland Investment Group, CMPC, 刚果林业工业(奥兰农业), 德拉克斯集团, 国际纸业公司, 宏利投资管理有限公司 & 农业, Mondi集团, 菲利普莫里斯国际公司, 新森林, 斯道拉恩索, 住友林业, Suzano, 惠好.

Other FSG members that participated in the process:  Enviva, Sappi有限, Smurfit Kappa集团, 航海家公司, SCG包装.

Consult the TNFD proposed disclosure metrics for the forest sector on the TNFD门户 或者直接链接到PDF版本 在这里.

了解更多关于FSG在nature positive方面的工作 在这里. 阅读更多有关WBCSD的资料 积极自然的路线图 在这里.

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